We are conscientious, dedicated professionals who help Boards to appoint new principals to their schools at an affordable price.

Our due diligence is very thorough and helps ensure that the Board’s appointee is the right person for the school. We utilise the basic structure of the process designed by the Ministry and NZSTA with the addition of some helpful innovations that have appealed to Boards the director has worked with. KEA Education’s consultants are proven educators with credibility in their profession. We can tailor our approach - and fee - to your needs and budget wherever in the country you may be.

An innovation we are developing throughout 2015 is the use of Survey Monkey as a means of consulting with the school’s stakeholders in any appointment before the process is too far advanced. This approach will painlessly produce very useful information in a very short period of time for the people involved with decision-making.

The resources at your disposal will include a registered psychologist for Personality and Values Profiling [optional extra], a graphic designer for your “Education Gazette” advertisement [fee involved] and former principals as your adviser during the process.

For an obligation-free proposal to find your new principal contact Alan Jermaine.

We can work “at a distance” with schools anywhere in the country.